Saturday 9 January 2010

Paranormal Activity

It's here! The scariest movie ever! It has frightened Americans all over the country! Hysteria in theatres!

Give me strength.Completely shot via hand-held cameras (a ploy which is really old hat now) it centres on a young couple terrorised by an invisible demon and is "based" on a true story - so much so that the actors use their real names! Sigh.

The young lady is the apparent target of the demon and accepting the basic premise that she is genuinely terrified by the unnatural force her boyfriend is rather unsympathetic to say the least,more concerned with playing with his array of cameras and laptops.About as scary as Mary Poppins and as entertaining as watching paint dry.

During one of the "terrifying sequences" (yawn) a lady walked into the cinema with two little children - I had to point out to her she was in the wrong screen! Easily the highlight of my day.The last thirty seconds were clearly the best and brought the rating up to 1/10

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