Saturday 9 January 2010


A party of six friends go sailing.The weather deteriorates.Their yacht capsizes.Five survivors clamber onto the upturned keel.A fogbank rolls in.Out of the fog comes an ocean liner.On the deck is a hooded figure.They manage to board it.......Now how is that for a plot summary?

Anyway as the survivors walk around the liner they cannot find anyone and it appears completely deserted even though it appears clean and tidy.As they gather in the restaurant the hooded figure appears armed with a rifle and opens fire - they all scatter and all of them meet assorted sticky ends until the last female runs out on deck and looks over the side - to see their yacht below with them all on it.She watches them all board the liner (including herself).

So basically we have Groundhog Day with guns,gore and axes as the whole cycle endlessly repeats itself.Not giving too much away by revealing that the hooded figure is in fact her and she tries everything to break the chain - there is one brilliant scene when she trails one of the other female survivors who is mortally-wounded and she staggers on to the deck and collapses - there are at least thirty other corpses there all wearing her clothes,indicating that the events have occurred over and over again.

It is a wonderfully effective little scene.Unfortunately the film does not know how to finish and does peter out to a certain degree but I would still recommend it.Plenty of interesting ideas and it is such a real shame that there was not a stronger ending.Still warrants 7/10

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